About me
Hi, I’m Edwina
An Early Childhood educator with roots in sunny South Africa (which means I often call a spade a spade), and a teaching journey that’s taken me around the world from Dubai to here in Perth, Australia. With a background in Applied Psychology, and Education, I’ve worn many hats, starting out as a secondary school language teacher, before finally settling in the world of early childhood education.
Over a decade ago I entered a Pre-Primary classroom, and discovered something game-changing. Kids thrive when they’re given the opportunity to explore their interests! No brainer, right? That’s where I found my teaching style, thanks to mentors like Doctor Claire Warden and Kath Murdoch, whose ideas on Nature Pedagogy and inquiry-based learning lit a fire in me… and my students!
I’ve seen the magic that happens when you combine structured, explicit literacy and numeracy instruction, with inquiry and project-based learning. It’s like watching a desert bloom after rain, with kids’ curiosity and creativity flourishing alongside their academic learning.

Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.
Albert Einstein

Why Blooming Curious
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Blooming Curious is for educators like you who want to change the status quo, and shake things up and inspire children to love learning and be excited to step into your class.
I’m passionate about helping you nurture that innate curiosity and spark, that love for learning in your students – not to mention arming them with the dispositions and skills they need to thrive in this ever-evolving world.
Integrating inquiry-based learning into your strategy toolkit is the best thing you can do for yourself and your learners.
It will put the love back into teaching and learning!
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