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Ep 27 The Questions that Lead to Curiosity and Knowledge

Episode Description

Kids ask a lot of questions! They ask questions because they have an innate desire for knowledge. But, sadly as children progress through school and eventually adulthood, the questions become fewer until eventually as adults we may not be questioning at all.

Questions are the gateway to knowledge, but not all questions are equal.
In this episode we explore the questions that get kids thinking and curious. The questions that educators need to ask to get students curious and thinking and even those questions that take learning further and deeper.

Go deeper in this blog post https://bloomingcurious.com/how-questions-le…ty-and-knowledge/

Download your free list of question starters at https://resources.bloomingcurious.com/questions

Download your free eGuide How to Encourage Natural Curiosity in Children here https://resources.bloomingcurious.com/how-to-encourage-natural-curiosity-in-children

Get started with Inquiry 101, which takes you through the step-by-step process of getting started with inquiry and how to integrate it into your existing lessons here https://resources.bloomingcurious.com/inquiry-101

Get on the mailing list for all the insider information around inquiry, curiosity, teaching and learning by signing up here https://resources.bloomingcurious.com/getcurious

Buy Kath Murdoch’s book Getting Personal with Inquiry here 

Contact Edwina at contact@edslessons.com

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