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Ep 7 Finding Inspiration in Inquiry-based Learning

Episode Description

So as we come to the close of 2023, I encourage you to start pondering how you as an educator truly impacted the lives of children in your care.

 And what about you? Did you grow? Are you just going do the same things next year as you did this past year? Or are you going to challenge yourself this coming year to try something a little different, to take a bit of risk, to have a go and get a little uncomfortable?

We cannot grow or learn without some discomfort. We all know how challenging learning something new can be, but also how rewarding it is.

And so for next year I invite you to join me in embracing a new challenge. Let’s not be so hung up about sticking to curriculum programs, but let’s focus on the strategy like inquiry, that really excites children and gives them ownership over their learning. Inquiry is such an exciting way for kids to learn. Let’s focus on bringing joy to our student’s lives and to our own. Let’s embrace strategies that give us a break and make teaching and the facilitation of learning fun for us too.

The challenge for the rest of the holidays is for you and me just to ponder and wonder and think about how we want to make a difference in the lives of the kids we teach? How do we want to impact their learning and curiosity? And how do we also want to make a difference in our own lives as educators.

For all the details and links mentioned in the show go to https://bloomingcurious.com/top-inspirational-resources-for-early-childhood-teachers/

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