Unlock the Power of Curiosity Today! Get Your FREE Guide on Nurturing Natural Curiosity in Kids


Putting the love back into teaching and learning one episode at a time

Take your teaching to the next level and break free from the negativity and the daily grind and embrace those strategies that inspire children to become independent, happy, curious and capable learners!

Tune in every week for conversations that will give you the confidence and support you need to shake things up, and integrate curiosity inspired learning into your everyday lessons to foster a lifelong love for learning in the children you teach.

No edubabble, just straight talk.

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Latest Episodes

July 30, 2024

Ep 38 Why and How I Started With Inquiry Based Learning

In this episode I peel back the layers of my own teaching career and how I came to teach with an inquiry mindset, and apply inquiry based learning to my own practice. I uncover the…

July 23, 2024

Ep 37 How to Integrate Science into your Teaching

Why should you plan and teach an integrated curriculum? Well, because life is integrated and by teaching subjects in isolation, children find it difficult to see the connections to their own lives. By planning experiences…

July 16, 2024

Ep 36 The Most Effective Teaching Strategy for Student Learning

In this episode we look at what research based evidence says are the most effective teaching strategies for student learning. We dig into High Impact Teaching Strategies as developed by John Hattie, and how these…

July 8, 2024

Ep 35 Lesson Planning with Picture Books

When it comes to planning lessons in an early childhood classrooms, picture books are the one resource educators cannot do without. Picture books are not only provocations, they ignite curiosity, stimulate creativity and imagination and…

July 2, 2024

Ep 34 What Teachers do in the Holidays

Teaching is the job that’s never done! There are always numerous invisible tasks that need to be done, and very often the only time to do them is over weekends or during the holidays. But…

June 25, 2024

Ep 33 Interview with April Zajko, Nature-inspired Educator and Founder of April’s Teaching Tree

April is an educator and founder of April’s Teaching Tree, which helps parents and educators deepen their connection to nature. April divides her time between the classroom and providing in-person professional development and consulting with…
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About your host

Hi, I’m Edwina, a teacher just like you.

I’m also a blogger and podcast host!

My mission is to help you go from feeling overwhelmed and drowning in paperwork and demands, to feeling confident and armed with the tools and know-how to spark curiosity and excitement in your learners as you integrate inquiry into your lessons. To help you create experiences that get kids excited, curious and confident in their learning.

And you know what else? We’ll do it while keeping admin happy and ticking off all those curriculum boxes.

Each week I’ll bring you conversations that inspire you to take action and give you the confidence to know that what you’re doing makes a real difference.


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Kickstart Curiosity Without Overwhelm!

9 Easy steps to integrate inquiry into your existing lessons and eliminate boredom forever!

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Students and teacher learning through inquiry

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