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Putting the love back into teaching and learning one episode at a time

Take your teaching to the next level and break free from the negativity and the daily grind and embrace those strategies that inspire children to become independent, happy, curious and capable learners!

Tune in every week for conversations that will give you the confidence and support you need to shake things up, and integrate inquiry, play and nature-based learning into your everyday lessons to foster a lifelong love for learning in the children you teach.

No edubabble, just straight talk.

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Latest Episodes

September 17, 2024

Ep 45 Take aways from Kath Murdoch at The Inquiry Educators Summit

In this episode I unpack my take aways from Kath Murdoch’s session at The Inquiry Educator’s Summit. The most profound being, “Don’t be seduced into the shallow waters.”…

September 10, 2024

Ep 44 Take aways from Trevor MacKenzie at The Inquiry Educators Summit

One of the speakers at the 2024 Inquiry Educators Summit 2024 was Trevor MacKenzie. Trevor focused on how we as educators plan for curiosity. How we get children to ask questions and how we use…

September 3, 2024

Ep 43 Inquiry Based Learning Debunked

If you’ve ever had an opinion or just wondered about inquiry based learning then this is the episode for you. In this episode, Edwina debunks the comments and misconceptions made by educators about inquiry-based learning…

August 27, 2024

Ep 42 Interview with Victoria Crossan of Learning by Inquiry

Victoria Crossan is a wealth of practical knowledge when it comes to using inquiry as a teaching strategy to nurture children’s curiosity. In this episode we upack how inquiry benefits children’s learning, the difference between…

August 19, 2024

Ep 41 Make Curiosity a Priority for Back to School

It’s back to school time and teachers are preparing classrooms and lesson plans in anticipation for that first day and all the days that follow. Of course, ensuring that the learning space is welcoming and…

August 13, 2024

Ep 40 Should Teachers be Decorating Classrooms?

It’s back to school time, and with that comes classroom set up. We teachers love decorating our classrooms, and of course we want our rooms to be attractive and welcoming for students. In this episode…
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About your host

Hi, I’m Edwina, a teacher just like you.

I’m also a blogger and podcast host!

My mission is to help you go from feeling overwhelmed and drowning in paperwork and demands, to feeling confident and armed with the tools and know-how to spark curiosity and excitement in your learners as you integrate inquiry into your lessons. To help you create experiences that get kids excited, curious and confident in their learning.

And you know what else? We’ll do it while keeping admin happy and ticking off all those curriculum boxes.

Each week I’ll bring you conversations that inspire you to take action and give you the confidence to know that what you’re doing makes a real difference.


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The Ultimate Guide to Get You Started

Nurture curiosity with this FREE step-by-step guide and learn how to start integrating inquiry into your existing lessons today.

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