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Ep 38 Why and How I Started With Inquiry Based Learning

Episode Description

Inquiry based learning, is a methodology, a pedagogy, a strategy, it’s not a seperate subject. It’s a methodology that is a part of the very fabric of an inquiry educator. Inquiry-based learning encourages thinking, questioning and discovery. It’s a strategy that engages all children, because it arms children with the skills they need to uncover questions, work independently, and apply their learning to other areas.

In this episode I peel back the layers of my own teaching career and how I came to teach with an inquiry mindset, and apply inquiry based learning to my own practice. I uncover the lessons learnt and the challenges we face today in our classrooms.

For me, inquiry based learning has been a game changer and my hope is that all educators will implement this strategy into their toolkit so that ALL children can benefit. For me it’s always about what’s best for children.

The results and the attitude of my students towards learning, has convinced me that this is the way to go if we are to educate the whole child and appeal to their individual needs and strengths.

If my message resonates with you, or you find it interesting then share it with a friend, and leave a review…that’s the ultimate compliment. Thanks!

Get the Inquiry 101 resource here

Check out all the other resources here

Listen to these episodes to find out how to integrate inquiry into your existing lessons:

Lesson Planning with Picture Books

How to help children find the answers to their questions

How to Record and Document Children’s Learning

Contact Edwina at contact@bloomingcurious.com

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